How does Reading with Relevance work in remote or blended learning environments?

By |2021-06-02T11:08:59-07:00July 14th, 2020|Categories: |

The program is flexible and adaptable to a variety of different (and changing) learning formats, including: Relevant, engaging literacy instruction in synchronous online classrooms Meaningful learning activities for students to engage with asynchronously No-tech, screen-free independent study (that students actually want to do!) A structured framework for blended learning, with some instructional activities facilitated in-person [...]

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How does Reading with Relevance support teacher development?

By |2019-10-02T17:41:17-07:00August 6th, 2018|Categories: |

Reading with Relevance believes that students and their teachers learn best by doing.  Our teacher resources embed professional learning in the space where teachers and students need it most — in their everyday classroom experience.  Our tools engage educators in proven practices for integrating academic and social emotional learning, equipping teachers with new skills and capacities [...]

How does the program align with equity initiatives and ethnic studies programs?

By |2019-10-02T17:40:38-07:00August 6th, 2018|Categories: |

Social and cultural factors should not determine students’ success in school — every student has the inherent capacity (and right!) to learn. Reading with Relevance was intentionally designed to serve the students least supported by the system; each unit is built around a culturally-relevant text which mirrors the experiences of the diverse learners we serve, providing opportunities [...]

How does Reading with Relevance support workforce development and career pathway programs?

By |2019-10-02T17:38:30-07:00August 6th, 2018|Categories: |

Reading with Relevance concretely teaches the soft skills that prepare students for college, career, and life success, including self-confidence, self-awareness, collaboration, communication, critical thinking, problem solving, and perspective taking. These are the skills that colleges and employers stress are critical to young people’s success after high school! Reading with Relevance supports WIOA, career pathway, and college [...]

How does the program fit within a multi-tiered system of supports and interventions?

By |2019-10-02T17:37:33-07:00August 6th, 2018|Categories: |

Reading with Relevance is a proven academic intervention tool that teaches and reinforces Common Core Standards in English language arts. Our focus on culturally-relevant texts and social/emotional learning authentically engages struggling readers in their own success, igniting their intrinsic motivation to develop critical literacy skills. Reading with Relevance provides an no-prep instructional resource for Tier II [...]

How would I use Reading with Relevance in my after school program?

By |2019-10-02T17:36:56-07:00August 6th, 2018|Categories: |

Reading with Relevance is a great fit for out-of-school-time programs that rely on student engagement (and attendance)! Our captivating book selections and creative, hands-on activities make after-school literacy feel like an enrichment program. Reading with Relevance can be used as a daily or weekly programmatic offering, and is user-friendly for non-credentialed after-school staff to facilitate.

How can the program support my summer school?

By |2019-10-02T17:36:01-07:00August 6th, 2018|Categories: |

Summer is all about engagement! Reading with Relevance is a perfect fit for summer school programs, driving students’ interest in reading and reducing summer learning loss. Each stand-alone Reading with Relevance unit offers two to four weeks of daily literacy instruction, providing a no-prep, easy-to-facilitate program for schools and community-based organizations alike.

What are some ways that teachers utilize Reading with Relevance during the school day?

By |2019-10-02T17:34:15-07:00August 6th, 2018|Categories: |

Reading with Relevance has flexible applications in classroom settings. Some educators use Reading with Relevance as a core instructional model: these teachers facilitate one lesson plan each day, for the entire school year, exploring one amazing book at a time. Others utilize Reading with Relevance as a supplement to their core instruction; these teachers use the [...]


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